Daily Blast Live is a nationally broadcasted talk show which brings you the latest trending stories 24/7 with broadcast and digital teams delivering a fun, entertaining and exciting look at headlines.
Lindsey Granger's Return to Daily Blast Live!
Daily Blast Live host Lindsey Granger has been away for three months on maternity leave. Today, we celebrate her return to DBL with a look into her first few months with her new baby girl. Edited by Gabe Dubois.
"Um Actually" Celebrity Breakups with Tory Shulman on Daily Blast Live!
Tory Shulman talks about celebrity rumors happening this week, and gives us her take on if they are true in the franchise segment "Um, Actually…" on the nationally broadcasted television show Daily Blast Live! Edited by Gabe Dubois.
Top Gun Trivia with Jeff Schroeder on Daily Blast Live!
With Top Gun Maverick about to premiere in theaters, Jeff Schroeder hit the streets of Denver to see how well people know the original Top Gun movie. Edited by Gabe Dubois for Daily Blast Live!
The Great DBL Face-Off
Jeff Schroeder and Al Jackson compete against Tory Shulman and Sam Schacher in a series of competitions to see who will come out as champions. Hosted by Erica Cobb. Edited by Gabe Dubois for the nationally broadcasted television show Daily Blast Live!
Erica Cobb at the NAACP Awards for Daily Blast Live!
Erica Cobb from Daily Blast Live is nominated for an NAACP award. This is the story of her dream trip to LA where she gets to walk the red carpet with inspirational black celebrities who she has admired her whole life. She fits right in with three stunning dresses, and an inspirational podcast worthy of her nomination. Edited by Gabe Dubois.
Chef Jernard's Southern Inspired Christmas on Daily Blast Live!
Jeff Schroeder invites Chef Jernard into his home to cook a delicious meal from his new cookbook, Southern Inspired, to celebrate the Christmas season. Edited by Gabe Dubois
"Um Actually" Revenge Songs with Tory Shulman on Daily Blast live!
Tory Shulman talks about celebrity rumors happening this week, and gives us her take on if they are true in the franchise segment "Um, Actually..." on the nationally broadcasted television show Daily Blast Live! Edited by Gabe Dubois.
What Erika s Watching on Daily Blast Live!
Erica Cobb goes through some of the juiciest celebrity news of the week in the franchise segment "What Erika's Watching" on the nationally broadcasted television show Daily Blast Live! Edited by Gabe Dubois.
St Patrick's Day "TuToryal" on Daily Blast Live!
Tory Shulman dives into the history behind the holiday St Patrick's Day in the franchise segment "TutToryal" on the nationally broadcasted television show Daily Blast Live! Edited by Gabe Dubois.